Wholesome Start Nutrition Counseling

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How to Avoid Travel Constipation

Written by: Lauren Deakin

Edited by: Samina Qureshi RDN, LD

Have you ever wondered why it is more difficult to use the bathroom on vacation? 

Well, with some preparation you do not have to worry about being constipated on trips anymore. Constipation is defined as having less than three bowel movements in a week. Travel constipation may happen for a variety of reasons but is likely linked to extra stress, dehydration, or simply a change in your normal routine. 

Here are 5 Tips on How to Avoid Travel Constipation

  1. Hydration

    Bring a reusable water bottle to the airport so you can fill it up after security and use it throughout your trip. You can also order ice on the plane and pour it into your bottle to keep your water cold. 

  2. Bring Fibrous Snacks 

    The best sources of fiber are fruits, vegetables, beans, lentils, nuts, seeds, and whole grains. Some shelf-stable sources of fiber that are pre-packaged include oat bars, trail mix, and granola. Some specific brands I like are Hippeas chickpea puffs, Lesser Evil Popcorn, and Harvest Snaps. If you want to go the extra mile and make your own snacks for your trip try this simple savory roasted chickpea recipe!

  3. Try to Maintain a Schedule 

    Having routine mealtimes and a routine bedtime are very important for our internal clock. This will help your body feel more relaxed which makes bowel movements easier. The science behind why routine mealtimes are good is that they help stimulate your gastrocolic reflux which can help with gastric motility and ease constipation. It is also important to have routine bathroom times and implement a good bowel regimen. Some tips for your bowel regimen are taking at most 5 minutes to use the bathroom, practicing deep breathing, and gently rubbing your stomach to see if your system starts moving. 

  4. Know the Importance of Breakfast

    Eating breakfast within an hour of waking up is important because it helps your bowels start moving. In fact, a lot of people find that the easiest time for them to go is right after breakfast. Something hot like coffee, tea, or even just warm water can also be helpful in addition to your breakfast meal. This is because the warmth helps speed up the motility of your digestive system.

  5. Move Your Body

    Travel requires a lot of sitting time so finding ways to move your body throughout the day can be helpful in avoiding constipation. Walking is a great way to help you explore a new city or pass the time at the airport. If you’re on a road trip, planning pitstops to get out and stretch your legs can also be helpful. 

The most important piece of advice to avoid constipation while traveling is to listen to your body because it always knows what is best. The longer you ignore the urge to use the bathroom, the more difficult it is going to be when you finally go.

COMMENT BELOW and let me know what helps you stay regular while traveling. I’ll compile all the responses and share them on my social media

Lauren Deakin is a rising junior at the University of Alabama with a major in Food and Nutrition. She is looking forward to learning more about being a registered dietitian and wants to open her own private practice one day.

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